I'm Andra, a Romanian, NL-based interspecies experience designer.
My ambition is to encourage and support fellow designers on their journey to break down the barriers between humans and non-humans in their design practice.​​​
Empathy-centred design
By focusing on empathy, I've developed the ability to engage with both human and non-human users, valuing their distinctive viewpoints, needs, and aims. This consistent emphasis on empathy has nurtured in me a genuine desire to create designs that extensively resonate with individuals, including our non-human partners.
Furthermore, I am enthusiastic about improving the understanding and application of empathy in the design process, reintroducing its significance to the design community, and facilitating its broader educational implications. 

More-than-human design
I entered the captivating area of more-than-human design, broadening my horizons beyond the human-centric approach. By recognising the interconnectedness of all living things, I gained a heightened awareness of how our designs can have a profound effect on the environment and its inhabitants. As a result of my engagement with more-than-human design, I have accepted the responsibility of being a non-human messenger, recognising the significance of our decisions and their lasting consequences for the world of non-humans.
Speculative futures
My academic path has led me to the exciting field of speculative futures, fueling a strong passion for pushing boundaries and imagining alternative possibilities. 
This area of specialisation has become a platform for me to challenge conventional thought, empowering me to explore uncharted territory and envision transformative futures. Through my involvement with speculative design, I've honed my ability to provoke thought, challenge presumptions, and stimulate critical discussion.
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