empathy | hcd
Providing effective training is crucial for saving lives, and this fundamental tenet inspired the creation of Silica. Silica is a neonate CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) training mannequin.
In contrast to existing manikin models, Silica strives to replicate the experience of handling an actual newborn, down to the skin temperature of 28 to 32 degrees Celsius. Insufficient air supply results in cyanosis, which gives learners visual feedback. The performance of the trainee is evaluated using a simplified artificial cardiovascular system with flow and pressure sensors integrated into the manikin. The disappearance of cyanosis around Silica's mouth indicates that the trainee has successfully resuscitated the mannequin infant.
During the development process, the manikin's cardiovascular system, representation of cyanosis, and authentic skin texture were given special consideration. Through interviews with medical personnel and user testing, it was determined that the manikin's tactile sensation closely resembled that of a newborn, surpassing the capabilities of existing manikin models. This undertaking illustrates the necessary elements and suggests the next steps for Silica's continued development


ribcage flexibility redesign

pressure and temperature sensors integration

skin silicone prototyping