web design
  mthd | hcd | speculative 
As we advance upon the habitats of other species, the fragile harmony of the ecosystem is disturbed by the rapid expansion of our environment. This imminent scenario of cohabitation between humans and non-humans presents designers with a unique opportunity to adopt a post-Anthropocene perspective in their creative endeavours. 
The project explores surviving, learning, and co-creating alongside a spider. Three design considerations arise from an autoethnographic investigation, expert insights, and a showroom exhibition: (i) cohabitation—living alongside one another; (ii) mutual learning—learning from one another; and (iii) creation—collaborating. 
Key concepts such as human acceptance of spiders, temporality, the agency of non-humans in design, and equality are extensively investigated and incorporated throughout the process.
This project makes a significant contribution to the field of post-Anthropocene design by casting light on the art of human-non-human design methods.
exhibition setup
exhibition setup
assembling 'intieme webbing'
assembling 'intieme webbing'
invited spider build a web
invited spider build a web
'intieme webbing'
'intieme webbing'
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